Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Creativity kick

I only have a couple more days before winter break is over and I head back to the dorms..and I'm excited. I'm ready for an new adventure in college and to meet new people. Yet, I'm on a creativity low right now. This year is the first time I'm trying a 365 day photo challenge and the first couple of weeks I was really into it. I felt inspired by a new year, new blogs and a hobby for photography. Yet this week has been really dragging photography and inspiration wise and I'm not sure why. Ever since I created my first flower crown this month I've been wanting to do more crafts but I can't seem to find those that can be used with materials found around the house. Seems I need something to combat the winter(-ish) blues (I live in California, so you can't really call this weather winter). Pintrest, Google and my camera will be my ally as I gain my creativity back!

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